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5 HUM - Ancient Egypt
Temples, Rituals & Ceremonies
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5 HUM - Ancient Egypt
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The Natural World
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The Nile
Ecology of the Nile
Transportation on the Nile
Innovation / Discoveries
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The Pyramids
Egyptian Math
Gods & Godesses
Mummification & Funerary Customs
Temples, Rituals & Ceremonies
Government & Famous Rulers
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Cleopatra: The Last Great Queen
Foreign Relations
Daily Life / Social Hierarchy
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Cities & Towns
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The Book of the Dead
Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor
Amulet Heart Scarab
Amulets, ancient Egyptian (INFOBASE)
The heart in ancient Egyptian culture (INFOBASE)
Ba Bird
Bird symbols in ancient Egypt (INFOBASE)
Images About Temples
Image Courtesy of DK Ancient Egypt (2014)
"Temples" (GALE eBook)
This chapter is an overview of the two main types of Egyptian temples: cult temples, and mortuary temples.
"Architecture of the Temples" (GALE eBook)
Scroll down to "Architecture of the Temples" to read the excerpt on specific temple architecture.
"Temples and Worship" (GALE eBook)
Scroll down to "Temples and Worship" to read the excerpt on worship rituals within temples.
"Temple Construction Rituals" - (GALE eBook)
Read this article for a description of the rituals that were done during the construction of new temples.
"Daily Life in Ancient Egypt" (CAPSTONE eBook)
Find the book's index for keywords. The word "Temples" appears several times throughout this book!
Ancient Egyptian Culture (ROSEN eBook)
Find the book's Table of Contents, and browse the chapters on religion - including "Creation Myths," "Gods and Goddesses," and "Rituals" for specific information about Egyptian gods & goddesses.
Specific Temples
"Temple of Isis" (GALE eBook)
The Temple of Isis was supposed to have been one of the most beautiful temples of Ancient Egypt.
"Temple of Dendur"
The Temple of Dendur is an ancient Egyptian temple that is now located in the Met (right in New York City!)
Temple of Isis & Temple of Kalabsha
This website has 360 degree tours of the Temple of Isis & the Temple of Kalabsha (what they look like now). Visit the "Tours" page to explore.
Giza Plateau
This animated video production provides a guided, overall tour of the Giza Plateau.
"Religion in Egyptian Politics and Society" (ABC-CLIO)
This is a more in-depth article about religious practices, and the importance of religion in Ancient Egypt.
Mummification & Funerary Customs
Government & Famous Rulers >>