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NoodleTools 101

NoodleTools is a helpful resource you can use to take notes, organize your research, and cite the sources you used.

Getting Started - How To Guide


Create an account / sign in to NoodleTools with the link below:

Select   & sign in with your BC GOOGLE account:


Create a    ​(top right)

  1. Enter your Project title
  2. Select Citation style MLA (MLA Handbook, 9th ed.)
  3. Select Citation level Junior



To Share Your Project With Your Teacher

    On My Projects page, hover over the Sharing column of your research project and click on the + sign

  • Start typing the name of your teacher's inbox and select it when it appears

  • Click to save your selection:





Open your project & select   (top right)

Website example:

1.  Select the option that describes how you accessed the source you are citing


2. Select what kind of source you are citing

To cite a website: Select Website > Web Page (Junior Citation level)



3. Select (upper right) to go to the citation form & fill it out.

Here is the information you need to cite a website:

  • URL
  • Date of Publication
  • Date of Access > Use autofill feature to fill in today's date
  • Contributor > Author (if available)
  • Webpage or Article title
  • *Name of  website (required)
  • Publisher of the site

4. Select  to save your citation.


MLA Citation Format for a Website:

Author's last name, first name. "Title of Webpage."  Title of Website (in italics). Publisher (only include if it is different from the name of the website), Date published. URL. 



Select the printer icon on the top bar > Print/Export to Google Docs


1. Go to Settings on your iPad

  • select Safari
  • turn off 'Block Pop-ups

2. In NoodleTools - Go to the Sources tab in your project

  • In the Print/Export menu select 'Export to Google Docs'
  • You will get this message: "This site is attempting to open a pop-up window."
  • Select 'Allow'