These databases are great places to find general information on your topic. These sources will not make arguments, rather they will give you a more or less objective view of your topic.
Includes the following research tools: World Atlas, Compare Countries, Original Sources, Database Resources, The World Factbook, and the Merriam-Webster Collegiate dictionary.
These databases give you access to thousands of peer-reviewed academic journals, written and reviewed by experts in their fields. Many of these sources will be making arguments, so these are good sources to bring into your research to have a conversation with.
Search multiple databases on the ProQuest platform including: Academic Video Online, Coronavirus Research Database, Ebook Central, ProQuest Central Student, ProQuest Professional Education, and Publicly Available Content Database.
Reference, magazine, newspaper, perspective and peer-reviewed articles on all subjects.
Quickly access articles from a database of scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals. Features peer-reviewed full-text scholarly content across the academic disciplines. Best for academic research.
Academic ebooks can be a mix of background and argument sources, it depends on how you use them. Just like with physical books, look at the table of contents or the index of an ebook to see if it is relevant to your research.
Academic and reference eBooks on all subjects. Each patron has a unique password. Please consult password page or contact your librarian.
Gale eBook is a searchable, multidisciplinary collection of encyclopedias and full-text online reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform.
What's included? Subjects covered include: history, literature, science, math, the arts, and more.