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Library FAQs & News

Everything you need to know about the Middle School Library.


Monday through Friday when school is in session:

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

The MS Library - Norms & Expectations  

The Middle School Library is a calm, quiet, respectful space that is welcoming to all. As a shared space it serves many purposes for both students and teachers. In order for everyone to be able to be productive, work, read, learn, explore and enjoy the library without being disturbed, the following norms and expectations are in place.

  • During morning and lunch breaks the library is a quiet refuge from the busy, more noisy activities happening in the surrounding school. 

  • It is a device free zone! Student options include reading, quiet browsing and book check-out, working, drawing, and occasional art activities offered by the librarians.

  • Throughout the day, when you enter the library, to help maintain a more peaceful environment, practice transitioning to a calm demeanor. Lower your voice and be aware of your surroundings.

  • When you are part of a class doing group work and research, when you need to talk, be mindful of others and your surroundings and keep your voice low. Devices may be used for school work only.

  • In order to keep the space beautiful and inviting to all, be sure to clean up after yourself, return things to where they belong, and use the furniture as intended. No soles of shoes or art supplies on the couches or chairs please.

  • Take good care of all library materials. Every library book that leaves the library should be checked out. Return books that have been checked out to the yellow book bin located inside of the library next to the door. Books read in the library should be placed in the designated return basket.

  • Water in closed containers is the only beverage allowed. Food is not allowed.

  • Student printing will not be allowed in the Library throughout the day (this includes before school, and during breaks. The only exception is if your teacher has told the tech team in advance, and you are coming down as a class.

  • Listen to and follow directions from the adults in the library. When you need help with reading recommendations, research, or have any library related questions, ask your librarians for help! 

  • Knowledge Bar:

    • If your teacher gives you permission, you may come down to the Knowledge Bar located in the Middle School Library (no more than 2 students from one class at a time), and ask Ms. Aronofsky for tech help. If Ms. Aronofsky is not at the Knowledge Bar, send her an email explaining your problem, and she will try to troubleshoot with you later in the day.

    • You may come to the Knowledge Bar for a loaner device only if your teacher has specifically requested one for their class, otherwise you will be participating in class without technology. It is your responsibility to return the loaner at the end of that class.

    • Devices that are low on battery may be charged at the Knowledge Bar if Ms. Aronofsky is available, but it is your responsibility to retrieve them before the day ends.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many library books may I check out at any one time?

    • Students may borrow up to five books at one time. If you have overdue books, please renew them or return them to the library so that they are available for other readers to check out.
  • How long can I borrow a book for?

    • When you check out a book it is due in 21 days. You may renew books you are reading, as long as there is no one waiting for it.
  • If I bring a book back late, is there a fine?

    • No, we do not charge fines for late books.
  • What do I do if I can't find a library book I checked out?

    • Let Ms. Hartley-Maneri know as soon as possible.
  • I need help with research. What do I do?

    • Ask your librarians for help!