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Black History Month All Year Long: Middle School

Just Added: New Middle Grade Books

Middle Grade Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Action/Adventure Books

Middle Grade Realistic Fiction

Middle Grade Historical Fiction

Middle Grade Graphic Fiction

Non-Fiction and Biographies

Just Added: New Young Adult Books

Young Adult Books

Amanda Gorman - Artist Kimothy Joy



Amanda Gorman. Artist: Kimothy Joy


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Coretta Scott King Book Award Winners

The Coretta Scott King Book Awards are given annually to outstanding African American authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults that demonstrate an appreciation of African American culture and universal human values. The award commemorates the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and honors his wife, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, for her courage and determination to continue the work for peace and world brotherhood. Learn more about the Coretta Scott King Award and find resources and detailed information about the criteria and selection process.

Nikki Grimes, 2022 Coretta Scott King-Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement (Author/Illustrator)